Sunday, February 3, 2013

I will lobby for rights until you kick me out.

I know this has been discussed to death over at Feminist Mormon Housewives but I still can't wrap my brain around it.  The following is a quote by Elaine Dalton.  Sister Dalton is the General Young Women's President.  The title means she is the head of the programming and instruction of girls ages 12 - 18 under the direction of the General Authorities (all men) of the church.  This quote is taken from a devotional she gave at BYU.  The talk was given this year.  I really was going to suffer through the entire 35 minute devotional just so I could back up the claim that the quote is not taken out of context but the devotional is no longer available online.  I can't really imagine any context that would make this more palatable, though.    

"Young women you will be the ones who will provide the example of virtuous womanhood and motherhood.  You will continue to be virtuous  lovely praiseworthy and of good report. You will also be the ones to provide an example of family life in a time when families are under attack, being redefined and disintegrating. You will understand your roles and your responsibilities and thus will see no need to lobby for rights."

I actually am okay with most of the paragraph. Sure, it's trite but luckily, it is also vague.  I will teach my daughter that schooling, parenting, and working all fit under the "virtuous womanhood and motherhood" umbrella.   True, Sister Dalton probably meant it in the more traditional "get married and have babies"  sense but it is at least something I can work with.  

The phrase that makes me second guess my decision to raise my daughter within this church is: "and thus will see no need to lobby for rights."  What!?!  To paraphrase a good friend, that's just one step away from telling Mormon women they can't vote because voting is taking unrighteous dominion over their husbands.   After all, good girls are content with their place.  Good girls would never question the church.  Good girls don't expect things that aren't already offered to them.  

Bah.  That is not what I want for my daughter.  I do not want her to be complacent.  I want her to stretch and grow and develop.  I want her to fight to make things better.  I want her to know that she is every bit as important as boys.  And it is terrifying to me that the person who is in charge of her instruction believes that she should not "lobby for rights".  

I think Sister Dalton mentioned it because this year Mormon women have gotten a little uppity.  They have . . . wait for it . . . tried to start a solidarity campaign to wear pants (dress pants) to church one ONE Sunday.  and we have also . . . written letters (oh the horror) to ask our leaders to let women pray in general conference.  Clearly we are getting out of hand.  Sigh.

I have no idea why our leaders feel threatened.  I am an LDS mother who agrees that family is important.  I am proud to focus nearly all of my energies on raising my children.  I am glad to be part of an organization that values my contribution.  I do understand my roles and responsibilities both as a mother and as a Mormon.   And you know what?  Part of those responsibilities is to LOBBY FOR RIGHTS.  I want there to be room for everybody.  I want women to be able to pray in important meetings.  I want the funding to be equal between boy and girl youth programs.  I want woman's organizations to answer to each other in a more meaningful way.   and I am here to stay.