Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Vampire and the Cowboy

I laughed at myself when I checked this book out of the library. I just couldn't resist the title. Of course, I was planning on it being a waste of time but, as crazy as it may sound, I really liked it. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying it constitutes good literature or anything but as far as brain candy goes, I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, if I ever saw it for sale at a used book store I would buy it (as a comparison, I would not by Catcher in the Rye).

The Cowboy and the Vampire by Clark Hays and Kathleen McFall is the love story of Tucker, the quintessential Wyoming cowboy, and Lizzie, the typical city girl reporter. Sounds great so far, right? Okay, fine. It sounds like a below average romance novel but, wait . . . it gets better. It turns out that Lizzie is being pursued by a centuries old vampire sect that considers her to be the heir to their bloodline. Awesome, right?

I know this all sounds incredibly cheesy (and it is) but it is also a lot of fun. And, I really enjoyed the vampire origin story in this book. You see, vampires were created by God at the same time as man. Yep, that's right. Both humans and vampires were hanging out in the Garden of Eden. However, humans chose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil while the vampires chowed down on the Tree of Life. That's why humans are good (they know good from evil) and vampires live forever. It makes perfect sense.

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