Thursday, October 6, 2011

Facebook Withdrawals Day 5

Andy will be so disappointed in me but I am back on facebook.   I missed the connection with my family.  I love my giant extended family (both my parents are the oldest of seven) and facebook truly is the best way I've found to stay in the loop on what is happening in everyone's lives.  So I deleted half my friends and am now down to family and a few good friends. My goal is to check it less (once or twice a day) so it isn't such a time sink.  We'll see how it goes.  


Melanie said...

Oh, Andy Schmandy ;-D

RORYJEAN said...

Pfffft- whose Andy? Oh.. I remember, that guy who deleted his facebook account and moved away :) Welcome back!

Alison said...

That is a good experiment! I'm curious how I'd do. Brandon and I call Facebook Facebrag because that is what it is most of the time. I'm fine with that, but it makes me laugh. The internet in general is a huge time suck. I bought a timer specifically to help me with that and taking too long of showers. It helped w/the showers, but not with the internet, mostly bc I keep leaving the timer in the bathroom.