Sunday, October 2, 2011

Facebook Withdrawals. *updated

I deleted my facebook account a little over an hour ago.  And already, I am mentally writing status updates about how hard it is to not post status updates.  So I am cheating and posting them here.

Wish me luck.


There has been some interest in my reasoning for quitting facebook.  So here goes.

  • feel more connected with my extended family, ward members, and some friends that I wouldn't be in contact with otherwise (my immediate family and close friends keep in touch anyway)
  • my extended family, ward members, some friends etc. have more access to what is going on with me.
  • (and this is really my main reason) lately I have had a hard time posting things on facebook because it feels a little narcissistic to me.  I say that without intending any criticism of other people.  I truly love reading updates about my friends and family and I never feel that they are being narcissistic but for my own self, I just haven't wanted to post as much because it feels weird to announce to all the random people I am "friends" what I had for dinner.  
  • Facebook is a time sink.  I waste so much time on facebook.  And I simply do not have the willpower to only check it occasionally.  I am an all or nothing girl.  
So after much internal debate, I decided to delete my account.  Although, for better or worse, facebook allows you 14 days to change your mind.  So I'll reevaluate in a week to make sure.  I am sad that my extended family won't know what is going on with me (most are unwilling to sign into my private blog) and I know I'll miss updates from my friends but my close friends will fill me in no matter what (or at least they'd better).


RORYJEAN said...

What made you decide to delete your account, just out of curiosity?

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

whaaaaaaaat?!?!? how will we ever communicate?!?!

*Meg Larsen* said...

so which category do I fit? :o)

I understand the time drain of facebook, and I read your blog, but if you're going to cut out fb and still think you're keeping the rest of us reasonably informed you'll have to post more than once a month! :o) And yes, we do find your life that interesting.

RORYJEAN said...

I agree, facebook has it's pros and cons, but I feel like I deserve to be slightly narcissistic when it comes to something since most of my day is devoted to caring for the kids. I bet I'd be a more attentive parent without it, though. I'd probably not keep in touch with anyone without it since I'm not a phone person.

Taylor said...

Thanks Meg! and I am going to try and post more.

Taylor said...

Rory, I love your updates and will miss them.

Melanie said...

Yeah, and I can't "like" comments here.
Megan, I enjoyed your comment ;-D

josh said...

I wish I had more willpower not to check FB constantly. (cali)