Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Sexperiment

I just finished reading The Sexperiment by Ed and Lisa Young.  The big "sexperiment " is having sex every day for 7 days in a row.  Which isn't a bad idea.  Although, since my husband is no dummy, I am pretty sure he will be "too tired" on day six so that we have to start our goal over again.  Anyway, despite the decent idea, the book wasn't really that great.  When I read self-help books, I like bullet points.  Do not make me read every paragraph.  Self Help books should be made for skimming.  Plus, when I picked it up, I didn't realize it was a christian sex book.  yawn.

Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy with Your Spouse

But one paragraph jumped out at me.  And this paragraph was so profound that I want to give a Relief Society lesson on it.  Haha.

"We all have unique abilities and aptitudes to be used while we're here on earth.  We're all just stewards, and one day we are going to be held accountable concerning how we've handled the resources that God has given us. God has given unique gifts to us, and He wants us to return them to Him in their most developed fashion as an act of worship. (so far so good right--this is nothing we wouldn't learn in Sunday school but here comes the whammy---)Our sexuality is a gift from God, and we are to steward it like any other gift He has given us.  --God wants greatness from us in the sexual arena.

Our sexuality is a gift from God.  Booyah! You know how we are not supposed to hide our talents under a bushel?  This never occurred to me before but sex is a talent.  God wants us to develop it.  And that takes practice, and creativity.    Ready. Set. Go.


Hannah Neville McMillan said...

don't you mean ready, sex, go? ;) I do like thinking about sex being a talent to develop.

josh said...

Great point! (cali)

Paul Hepworth said...

Had to laugh about "I didn't realize it was a christian sex book. yawn."

7 days in a row, with kids?! Impressive!

(Love the strategy of deliberately missing a day and needing to start over.)

Let us know how that RS lesson goes! :-)